Often associated with Nubuck and suede, beige shoes are a somewhat niche color choice that tends be be reserved for the summer months. However, it can be somewhat confusing on the best color trousers to match with them.

In this guide, you will learn how to match your trousers with beige shoes with an accent on the following topics:

Use the links above to jump ahead or keep scrolling to read it all. You can also read up on different shoe and trouser combinations with the menu below.

How To Match Your Trousers With Beige Shoes

Shoe Coordination Guides
Click a shoe color to see its best trouser matches:
Black | Dark Brown | Light Brown
Beige | Burgundy | Green | Grey | Navy | Orange | Purple | Red | White
Trouser Coordination Guides
Click the trouser color to see its best shoe matches:
Navy | Grey | Jeans
Beige | Black |Blue | Brown | Light Grey | Olive | Tan | Red | White

Go back to trouser coordination main page.

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Matching Trousers With Beige Shoes Overview

In the world of men’s footwear, beige shoes occupy niche territory in the wardrobe.

Only appropriate for spring and summer and often found only in Nubuck or suede, a well-dressed man must be highly selective when both purchasing a pair and when creating outfits around them.

The challenge of doing so is proportional to the reward you receive when you succeed: tons of compliments and a tasteful way to stand out from the crowd.

Being a summery, more casual color, beige shoes are arguably more popular in casual lasts such as driving moccasins or crepe-sole desert boots. Keep this in mind as you read through the various color combinations.

Beige-Shoes-Coordination-GraphicNOTE: There are exceptions to every rule.
Use your good judgement, and feel free to leave us a comment if you have questions!

Read on for full explanations and reasoning of the above coordination suggestions.  Or, click here to go see our Ultimate Shoe & Trouser Color Coordination Matrix showcasing how to match any color shoes with any color trousers.

How To Coordinate Beige Shoes With Different Trousers

Best Trouser Matches – Knock Yourself Out


Picture, if you will, a sunny day in June. You’re meeting someone for a second date, a boozy brunch. You’ve got light blue cotton chinos, beige driving loafers, and a crisp white oxford shirt on. Your socks are conspicuously absent, and your sunglasses are as much style as they are function. Things are coming up (insert your last name here)! Even outside of this scenario, beige shoes will work wonderfully with blue trousers.


Red Trousers With Tan Suede Boots

You can trade out red trousers for the blue ones in the above-described scenario and the effect will still be quite handsome. Keep the trouser a nice lightweight cotton, and don’t be afraid to try different shoe styles. A venetian loafer with a dress sole and heel pairs wonderfully with a dress shirt, whereas a camp moccasin with a well-fitting polo or even t-shirt would look great. It’s always best practice to keep your shoe’s dressiness in line with the overall dressiness of your outfit.

Also, there’s this blog we found that gave us a chuckle, so there’s that.


Theoretically any wash of denim will do, but our preference is to go with a lighter shade when you’re wearing beige shoes. When both articles are light in color, you get a harmonious pairing that looks great.


It’s low-contrast, but it works because white is totally neutral. We suggest pairing this combination with a more colorful top, definitely not black (more on that later in this article). With such a summery outfit, a Panama hat won’t hurt the cause either!


Olive green, especially the army green shade, pairs quite well with beige shoes. One reason they work so well is that they’re both Earth tones, which tend to play nicely together. Again, keep the materials and overall look casual to be successful here.


Another low-contrast combination, this one is very neutral and will take to nearly any other color you can imagine. It’s ripe for colorful pairings on top if you’re feeling loud, but if you want to keep your outfit quieter, a simple white or light blue oxford will do.

Acceptable Trouser Matches – Proceed With Caution

Light Grey

While not necessarily bad from a color theory standpoint, this combination is decidedly “meh.” You can do it, but we suggest one of the pairings above if you can manage it.

No-Go Trouser Matches – Just Don’t


Black and beige is about as drab as can be. It screams “Office Space,” and not in a funny way either. Steer clear of this combination, please.

Dark Grey

Dark grey and beige are just about as drab as black and beige. Do yourself a favor and stick to black or dark brown shoes if you’re wearing charcoal trousers.


A deep medium blue is nice with beige, but navy is too stark. Such a huge contrast against a dark trouser makes us think of clown shoes, and unless you’re literally a clown (and more power to you if you are), this is not an advisable look.


Do you have any plans to enter a desert combat theater? No? Then don’t pair beige trousers with beige shoes. It’s the sartorial equivalent of putting salt on bread.


Chocolate brown trousers with beige shoes has a candy bar-innards kind of vibe that, while delicious, doesn’t translate well to clothing. Let the Milky Way bar look like a Milky Way bar, don’t dress like candy.

Free Printable Download For Reference At Home

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What Next?

Now that you have read about the how to match beige shoes with trousers, check out some related guides below:

Beige Shoe & Trouser Color Coordination Guide
Reviewed by Michael R., on .
"Nice! Thanks for this handy guide. I just bought some Nubuck desert boots and I didn't know what trousers to wear."
Rating: 5.0 ★★★★★

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