Welcome to Bespoke Unit’s Shaving Glossary.
Below is the internet’s largest and most comprehensive shaving glossary with over 200 tonsorial terms with links to our shaving resources for further reading.
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Acquisition Disorder [AD]
A term used among shaving enthusiasts online with large collections that keep expanding through impulse buys.
Across The Grain [XTG]
An optional second pass after shaving With The Grain (WTG). Here, the razor strokes perpendicular to hair growth. Some wet shavers prefer this to Against The Grain (ATG) as it is more forgiving on sensitive skin.
Learn More: Shaving Routes & Directions
A razor which allows the user to adjust the blade gap to become milder or more aggressive according to his tastes. This can be achieved through interchangeable plates or a adjustable knob.
A very sharp razor blade or exposure that cuts hair much more efficiently but has a higher risk in weepers.
Art of Shaving [AOS]
A popular retailer in the USA that offers high-quality shaving supplies.
An acronym for “aftershave”, there are also several variants such as ASB (aftershave balm) and ASL (aftershave lotion).
Ass Milk
Soaps based on donkey’s milk. These offer a very rich and pleasant lather.
Against The Grain [ATG]
The practice of shaving in the opposite direction of the hair’s natural growth. This is usually the final pass and is preceded by With The Grain (WTG) and sometimes Across The Grain (XTG).
Learn More: Shaving Routes & Directions
An abbreviation of Aluminium Potassium Sulfate. A natural astringent and antiseptic that often comes in the form of a block.
Baby Butt Smooth [BBS]
The closest possible shave achievable with no stubble felt when rubbing the skin with or against the grain. Sometimes the BBS acronym is intended to mean ‘billiard ball smooth.”
A term used to describe a shaving brush’s resistance when it is pressed on a hard surface.
Learn More: Assessing A Shaving Brush’s Quality
Badger & Blade [B&B]
A popular internet forum for shaving enthusiasts.
Badger Hair
The natural bristles used for some of the most premium shaving brushes.
Learn More: Shaving Brush Bristle Types
Barber’s Notch
A small, curved notch designed into the point of a straight razor blade.
Learn More: Straight Razor Point Types
Bay Rum
A type of aftershave or hair tonic consisting of bay leaf, spices and rum with roots in the West Indies.
Dandruff in the beard usually caused by dehydrated skin underneath.
Learn More: Why Do I Have Beardruff?
Best Badger
A slightly higher grade of badger hair that is collected from the animal’s belly. It is somewhat better than Pure Badger but much lower than Super Badger.
Learn More: Shaving Brush Bristle Types
Bellied Hollow
A type of straight razor grind that features a small ridge for extra resistance.
Learn More: Straight Razor Grinds & Hollows
Blade Buffing
The act of repeatedly passing the razor over a particular area due to stubborn growth.
Bloom [Bristle]
Bristle bloom refers to the way the bristles of a shaving brush fall when held upright.
Learn More: Assessing A Shaving Brush’s Quality
Bloom [Soap]
The process of adding a some water to shaving soap before using it so it softens. The bloom water can be saved for making the lather afterwards.
Learn More: How To Lather Shaving Soap
Boar Hair
A natural fibre used for making shaving brushes. It’s rougher than badger hair and therefore much cheaper.
Learn More: Shaving Brush Bristle Types
A shaving bowl is often used for making lather.
Breaking In
The process of rendering a shaving brush ready for use. This is often necessary with boar hair brushes that can be either quite stiff or give off a strong smell.
Learn More: How To Break In A Shaving Brush
The fibres of a shaving brush. They can be made from synthetic or natural hairs such as boar or badger.
Learn More: Shaving Brush Materials & Types
The most common bristle shape for a shaving brush.
Learn More: Shaving Brush Bristle Shapes
A safety razor mechanism where the user can turn a knob at the base of the handle to open the razor and replace the blade.
Learn More: Safety Razor Opening Mechanisms
Cartridge Razor
Modern razor blades with interchangeable heads that consist of multiple blades. As they provide inferior shaves and contribute to pollution, they’re perceived as the sworn enemy of traditional wet shaving.
Close, comfortable shave [CCS]
The third closest level of shave that is somewhere between a Darn Fine Shave (DFS) and Socially Acceptable Shave (SAS). The skin is smooth when rubbed with the grain but some stubble can be detected across the grain.
Closed Comb
A safety razor guard bar with small, comb-like points for increased blade exposure.
Learn More: Safety Razor Head Types
See Shaving Cream.
A lathering product that shares properties of shaving cream and soap. They’re often firmer than cream but without the hardness of soap.
Cut-Throat Razor
See Straight Razor.
Cutting Edge
The sharp part of a blade used for shaving. Cutting edges on straight razors require maintaining through stropping and honing.
Learn More: Parts Of A Straight Razor [Diagram]
Damn Fine Shave [DFS]
A grade below Baby-Butt Smooth (BBS) where only some stubble can be felt against the grain (ATG).
Double-Edge [DE]
The most common type of safety razor, which features an exposed blade on each side.
Dry Shaving
Effectively the opposite of wet shaving where no lubricant is used. Usually this implies the use of an electric razor or trimmer.
Dutch Point
A rounded straight razor blade point. Also simply known as a “rounded point.”
Learn More: Straight Razor Point Types
Essential Oil
Natural oils extracted from flowers and plants that are often used as a fragrance for soaps and creams.
The process of scrubbing the skin to remove dead cells and grime. While wet shaving does partly do this, it’s recommended to exfoliate properly beforehand to prevent the build-up of a grime in a blade. It also improves the skin’s appearance.
Extra Hollow
Also known as a “singing” grind, this is one of the thinnest types of straight razor blade possible.
Learn More: Straight Razor Grinds & Hollows
Not only the main body part to be shaved but also the name for the blade’s surface area on a straight razor.
Learn More: Parts Of A Straight Razor [Diagram]
Faux Frameback
A Type of straight razor grind designed to mimic the aesthetic of a frameback.
Learn More: Straight Razor Grinds & Hollows
Face Lathering
The process of creating a rich lather directly on the face rather than through the use of a mug.
Learn More: How To Lather Shaving Soap
Shaving brush bristles that are machine-cut, which results in a fan shape when left to rest.
Learn More: Shaving Brush Bristle Shapes
Flat Top
Shaving brush bristles with hairs shorter at the centre, which gives a flat appearance.
Learn More: Shaving Brush Bristle Shapes
See Jimps.
A canned lathering product that was enormously popular in the late 20th Century. Demand for foam has fallen due to the rise of gel products but also thanks to the renaissance of traditional shaving.
Fragrance Oil
Unlike essential oils, fragrance oils are synthetically blended aromatic compounds.
A type of straight razor where the blade can be removed and replaced with age. Unlike shavettes, it’s still a genuine straight razor, which requires honing and stropping.
Learn More: Straight Razor Grinds & Hollows
French Point
A straight razor point with a slightly curved nose offering a balance between safety and precision.
A modern type of lathering product that is often delivered in a pressurised can. Due to their synthetic composition, they’re often shunned by wet shaving enthusiasts.
An internet forum term used by wet shaving enthusiasts when referring to mass market canned foam or gel.
Facial hair’s natural direction of growth. This is an important factor to keep in mind when planning each shave pass.
Learn More: Shaving Routes & Directions
The shape and design of a straight razor’s blade with regards to its hollowness.
Learn More: Straight Razor Grinds & Hollows
Half Hollow
A slightly thicker concave straight razor grind.
Learn More: Straight Razor Grinds & Hollows
The starting point of a straight razor’s blade. It’s often either bevelled or finished to prevent accidental cuts.
Learn More: Parts Of A Straight Razor [Diagram]
High Mountain White [HMW]
A very rare grade of badger hair brush made using only the finest follicles between the animal’s shoulder blades.
Learn More: Shaving Brush Bristle Types
A concave straight razor grind.
Learn More: Parts Of A Cigar [Diagram]
The act of sharpening a straight razor with a stone in order to create a sharp edge.
Learn More: How To Hone A Straight Razor
Horse Hair
An alternative to badger and boar hair where the bristles of a shaving brush are made from a horse’s mane and tail hair..
Learn More: Shaving Brush Bristle Types
Hot Towel
A method used by barbers for softening beard follicles before a shave. A warm damp towel is placed over the face until ready for shaving.
A shaving brush bristle shape with both bulb and fan characteristics. Mostly found on synthetic brushes.
Learn More: Shaving Brush Bristle Shapes
Ingrown Hair
A source of great discomfort for some people. Ingrown hairs are irritated bumps or spots caused by hair reentering the skin. Symptoms can be alleviated by proper treatment.
Learn More: The Benefits Of A Post-Shave Regimen
A traditional Japanese razor with a one-sided blade made from a solid plate of metal.
Learn More: Best Straight Razors To Buy Online
The knot is the part of a shaving brush where the bristles are held together either using glue or other traditional methods. It is hidden inside the handle but can be carefully removed.
Knot Diameter
The way shaving brush thickness is measured.
The result of thoroughly mixing soap and water, lather is essential in order to ensure lubrication when passing the razor over the skin.
Learn More: How To Lather Shaving Soap
The measurement of a shaving brush’s bristle length.
Learn More: Assessing A Shaving Brush’s Quality
A term used as the opposite of “aggressive”, mild usually implies that a razor blade that is not quite as sharp or well-concealed by the guard. This may provide a gentler and easier shave for sensitive skin.
An alternative to a shaving bowl. Shaving mugs can be actual mugs or specifically made for shaving. Their key feature is the convenience of a handle, which can be easier to hold with wet hands.
New In Box [NIB]
Although not exclusive to wet shaving, this refers to how new products are when sold between members of the community.
New Old Stock [NOS]
This means that a product being sold is no longer manufactured but still in its original packaging. Like New In Box (NIB), this term isn’t reserved solely for the wet shaving community. However, it’s a highly desirable feature when selling vintage items.
The point of a straight razor’s blade that has been cut into a shape.
Learn More: Straight Razor Point Types
Open Comb
A safety razor guard bar with extra blade exposure thanks to a comb-like design. Although very aggressive, they’re ideal for thick hair growth.
Learn More: Safety Razor Head Types
The act of lathering the face and shaving the face once. The majority of wet shaving enthusiasts believe that multiple passes are required for a comfortable and enjoyable shave.
Learn More: How To Wet Shave – The Basics
Pay It Forward [PIF]
The practice of giving away products within the shaving community, which allows members to discover new things together.
Pivot Pin
The rivet in a straight razor that braces the blade inside the scales.
Learn More: Parts Of A Straight Razor [Diagram]
The flat end of the blade on a straight razor.
Learn More: Parts Of A Straight Razor [Diagram]
Treating the hair and skin after a shave with moisturiser and balms in order to soothe any irritation and rehydrate the shaved areas.
Learn More: The Benefits Of A Post-Shave Regimen
The process of preparing the skin and hairs before a shave. This may involve the use of a hot towel, shower as well as lotions and balms in order to soften the hairs.
Learn More: How To Prepare Your Skin For A Shave
A shaving soap that is made into a round disc-like shape in order to be stored in a bowl.
Pure Badger
The most common and lowest grade of badger hair for brushes.
Learn More: Shaving Brush Bristle Types
Quarter Hollow
One of the thickest concave straight razor grinds.
Learn More: Straight Razor Grinds & Hollows
Razor Bumps
See Ingrown Hair.
Razor Burn
Irritation experienced after a shave, which may be caused by improper technique or low-quality tools. Moisturising can offer some relief but improving your technique will prevent it occuring. Sometimes also referred to as “razor rash”.
Learn More: Why Do I Get Razor Burn?
Safety Bar
A flat blade guard on a safety razor.
Learn More: Safety Razor Head Types
Safety Razor
A razor that uses disposable blades that are braced between two plates. One features a safety guard to prevent accidental nicks.
Learn More: Best Safety Razors To Buy Online
Essentially the handles on a straight razor.
Learn More: Parts Of A Straight Razor [Diagram]
Scalloped Safety Bar
A flat blade guard on a safety razor with small bumps for more blade exposure.
Learn More: Best Safety Razors To Buy Online
A type of shaving bowl that features a secondary bowl for hot water. This allows the lather to stay warm.
The part of a straight razor’s blade that extends from the pivot pin.
Learn More: Parts Of A Straight Razor [Diagram]
Shave Of The Day [SOTD]
Used on social networks and forums to show and discuss what people used on that day’s shave.
Shave Ready
A term used to indicate that a straight razor is already honed when sold so that it can be used straight away.
A straight razor where the blades can be replaced. Although often designed with barbers in mind, they’re a popular choice for those who want to use low-maintenance straight razors.
Learn More: Best Shavettes & How To Use One
Shaving Cream [SC]
A soft lathering product offered as a popular alternative to soap. Although easier to lather, more is used for every shave.
Learn More: Best Shaving Creams & Soaps To Buy Online
Shaving Soap [SS]
A hard lathering product that is very similar to regular soap but has been designed for shaving.
Learn More: Best Shaving Creams & Soaps To Buy Online
An indent on a straight razor where the blade’s spine and shank meet.
Learn More: Parts Of A Straight Razor [Diagram]
Single Edge
An older safety razor design where the blade is exposed only on one side. It has since been effectively superseded by the Double Edge.
Silvertip Badger
The most premium badger hair used for brushes that is collected from the back of the animal’s neck.
Learn More: Shaving Brush Bristle Types
Slant Head
A slanted safety razor has a head positioned at an angle. Some enthusiasts believe that it provides a closer albeit more aggressive shave.
Learn More: Safety Razor Head Types
See Shaving Soap.
Socially Acceptable Shave [SAS]
The lowest closeness level of shaving just below close, comfortable shave (CCS) that is still considered passable. Some stubble will be felt in all grain directions when the skin is rubbed.
Spanish Notch
An ornate straight razor blade point.
Learn More: Straight Razor Point Types
Spike Point
A straight razor point that is similar to a square but with a slightly longer toe.
Learn More: Straight Razor Point Types
An alternative name for aftershave.
Learn More: How To Apply Splash Aftershave
Unlike the backbone, which considers the resistance, the splay refers to the way the bristles spread when pressed against a hard surface.
Learn More: Assessing A Shaving Brush’s Quality