From Seamaster to Seamaster Book with cigars and whisky

After my most recent and highly enjoyable Omega watch book purchase of Moonwatch Only, I was very excited to learn of the upcoming release of “From Seamaster to Seamaster“.

I had pre-ordered the book in September, which was later released on October 9th 2018. As an owner of several references of both the Seamaster and Speedmaster, this seemed to make sense!

Modern and vintage Omega Seamaster watches

Having now spent a full week with the book, I thought I’d write a quick review. Mainly to set expectations and offer up my recommendations on if you should buy it for the $150 list price (buy from Amazon for around $90).

First Impressions

The book itself is impressive in size, presence, weight and print quality. The only thing missing was words!

Front and back of Omega Seamaster book

Front & Back of Book

Gradient Color of Pages from Black to White

Gradient of Pages from Black to White

To be honest I was a little disappointed, which echoed the first few reviews posted on Amazon (two reviews: one being 1 star and the other 2 stars) by other owners.

After the tour de force that was Moonwatch Only, I was slightly bemused that Omega (the stated author) would follow up with what was effectively a picture book.

Admittedly, my initial review would have also been 2 stars.

From Seamaster to Seamaster book cover

However, after sitting down and reading what content there is, I found the small info bites and macro shots of the watches most enjoyable.

No, it’s NOT Moonwatch Only, but then again it’s not trying to be either!

As you’ll see later I have in fact revised my rating to 5 stars, but feel there is still a gap in the market for a more historical recounting of the Semaster for collectors like myself.

We all love to step back in time and see how these watches were designed for actual use, the functions they performed, and notable explorers and celebrities who may have worn a watch in the family or reference we in fact own!

Format & Layout of “From Seamaster to Seamaster”

At 360 pages this is an anchor for any coffee table weighing in at over 5 lbs!

8 sections of book in icon format

The book is organized into eight sections, with the following names and year references:

  1. Hope: 1948 – 1960
  2. Descent: 1958 – 1979
  3. Highrise: 1967 – 1973
  4. Boom: 1981 – 1986
  5. Revolution: 1993 – 2000
  6. Millennium: 2002 – 2010
  7. Bond: 2002 – 2017
  8. Transcendence: 2011 – 2018

Paul Anthony wearing vintage Omega Seamaster

Author’s Note: this vintage Seamaster is only 36mm, and I love it! (Even on my 8″ wrist) This was my first “proper” watch, and is going to be in the collection forever…

Vintage Omega Seamaster owend by Paul Anthony

Stunning Macro Shots & Information Snippets

As stated above the book is light on content and heavy on pictures.

At first I didn’t appreciate this, but am now really enjoying. There are all manner of shots from around the case and strap, not just dials.

Below I’ve included a couple of examples.

Macro shot of vintage Omega watch buckle

1948 Omega Seamaster

1986 Omega Seamaster

Omega Seamaster 300 – Spectre “James Bond”

As many of you will know this was the first “Bond” watch actually worn in the movie that was a public release, limited to 7007 pieces.

Omega Spectre Watch On Seamaster Book

I owned this watch for about a year, and you can see my full watch review here from 2015. For some unknown reason I decided to sell it, to make way for something else or release cash, but it’s the only piece I’ve ever regretted selling.

Thus I bought it again this year… And I have no regrets! Sadly, it’s a much higher limited edition number, but shame on me for letting go in the first place! We live and learn, I suppose. Ah, the trials and tribulations of a watch collector..!

Macro Dial Shot Of Omega Seamaster 300 Spectre

Seeing the black and grey NATO strap in all its macro glory, has me immediately changing the summer strap I currently have on the watch after I finish writing this review.

Omega Seamaster 300 Spectre with custom strap

In my opinion, this is the biggest home run from the Seamaster in the modern era.

Would I Buy This Book Again?

After my initial “shock”, I’d 100% buy this book again. The best price I have seen is on Amazon for around $90 (retail price $150)

If you are only in the market for one book and choosing between Moonwatch Only & From Seamaster to Seamaster, I’d personally pick the former due to it’s more meaty content.

On the other hand, if you are really into coffee table books and you’re not a watch history geek to the extent that I am, then this book may be better for you.

It also goes without saying if you own references from either Omega family I’d say get both respective books.

Buy From Amazon: From Seamaster to Seamaster

You can see the current Omega lines here:

If you’re looking for more reading from Bespoke Unit, please check out the links below:

From Seamaster To Seamaster
Reviewed by Paul Anthony, on .
"A visual exploration of some of the world's most influential watches. While I much preferred the Moonwatch Only release, this offers an excellent alternative perspective to the classic references."
Rating: 5.0 ★★★★★

About the Author:

Paul Anthony is the founder and creative director at Bespoke Unit. He has had a life long affair with design, watches, fragrance and clothing. Originally from England, he now lives in the USA splitting time between NYC & Philly. Favoring "British Style", but has an overall eclectic taste.


  1. Kevin October 18, 2018 at 8:17 am - Reply

    Thank you for another great book review Paul.

    Think I will go get myself a copy, as I have been looking at getting an Omega Seamaster.

    – Kevin

    • Charles-Philippe October 18, 2018 at 8:32 am - Reply

      Hi Kevin,

      I’ll be sure to let Paul know. I’m looking forward to taking a peak at this book myself!



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