On my not so recent trip now to Patong Thailand I wanted to try out some of the famed tailoring houses.
In total Trevor [my travel companion, and this site’s Travel Editor] and I went to 10 different custom tailor houses in Patong Beach and are reviewing our top 5!
Review Of Star Tailor House – Patong, Thailand
As “downtown” Patong is not overly large, all the shops are relatively close to wherever you’ll be staying. The Star Tailor House is no different, being just a five minute walk from the apartment we were staying at right on the beach.
Compared to other shops in our top 5 it was a little dated, however their fabric section was larger than most of the other shops we went to.
I especially liked the silk blend fabrics with embroidered flowers, which could make an insane tuxedo jacket if one were so inclined.
Initial Visit & First Fitting In One Swoop!
As with any custom suit, the first thing you’ll need to do is select the fabric you’re looking to have your garment(s) made from.
I knew that I wanted a lightweight fabric to have a short suit made from [see our buying guide and the importance of having a plan].
Having an already quite extensive wardrobe and not being shy of colors, I selected this deep-purple linen blend suiting fabric, with the colorful rainbow geometric lining.
What made the experience at Star Tailor House different than anywhere else is that the first fitting was done on the first visit!
After the fabric had been selected and measurements taken, we were treated to a drink while a tailor mocked up base garments. As with all my suits, I mentioned my “forward rolled shoulders” and sleeve pitch issues, but this time directly to the tailor who’d be making my clothes. I’ve never had a suit truly bench made by the likes of Benson & Clegg in London, for example, but this one-to-one service was great and especially for the price point.
All told we were at the shop for about an hour on our first visit it included the first fitting too. This is an overall net savings in time, but you should budget at least this or even more time if you are not quite sure yet of what suit you’re in search of.
Second Fitting
Only a few days later the second fitting was ready to be done.
I wanted my shorts a little shorter, and there were some changes needed to the jacket too.
At this point the jacket was sleeveless, so the jacket was tried as just the body, and then the sleeves are roughed on.
I could already see that they had a great fit on my back line, and the chest piece was very close too!
Third Fitting For Bespoke Suit Jacket
Only a day later I was back for the final fitting to the final sleeve length and to set where all the buttons would be on the sleeves [I went with 5 kissing buttons, all with functional button holes].
Furthermore, the jacket button position was also finally set.
Sleeve length is so often incorrect and is one of the simplest tailoring fixes, but it is worth getting it right the first time you buy or go custom. See our guide here on how a suit should fit.
Collecting Finished Custom Suit & Shirt
Only two days later [as we had a tour of James Bond Island] the suit was ready to be picked up.
Both the purple short suit and custom dress shirt fit spot on.
I feel they really nailed the fit, and manged to give me some shape which some of the other tailors we tried had some issues with.
Before leaving the shop they took some final measurements to keep on file, and sent me on my way with this nice suit bag. Below you can also see some of the fabrics I was oh-so-tempted to get a tuxedo / smoking jacket made from…next time!
Overall Thoughts Of The Process, People & Product
Star Tailor House is great for anyone looking for a well fitting custom suit, while being in a shop that has a nice array of fabrics [I guess mainly due to the face they make both male and female clothes]. Furthermore, for a larger gentleman like myself I felt that the they gave me the best silhouette of all the tailors we tried, so may be an important consideration for you too.
Time & Number Of Fittings: From start to finish the process was the quickest at Star Tailor House due to the first fitting being on the day we went in.
Service / People: As with all the top 5, the owners and staff were extremely nice people.
Options Both Fabric & Design Points: Had one of the best / most varied fabric selections, and standard options for customization. If you like collar stays be sure to specify that you want open working ones.
Cost: The cost for the suit was right around $300 – 500 in line with the other quality Top 5 tailoring houses that made our best of Patong list.
Quality Of Finished Garment: Overall I was very happy with the suit and dress shirt I got from Star Tailor House. Both fit very well and have held up well over time, as I’ve worm them several times already.
Total / Value For Money: As with all the top 5, they offered great value for money, and I’d definitely go back.

Enjoying the suit jacket outside Wynn Macau [was a bit too cold for the shorts!]
How To Find & Contact The Shop
Patong Beach, Phuket 83150
"I had a great experience at Star Tailor House! Everyone was very friendly and I was quite happy with the finished product."Rating: 5.0 ★★★★★
Google Map Linked Address: Star Tailor House, Patong Thailand
Website: StarTailorPhuket.com
Email: In**@St**************.com
thanks for the posting… will visit later today.
Delighted to have helped!