Heart shaped faces realise their potential through restoring balance to their top heavy proportions. This requires offsetting the top and lower halves by building volume below and concealing it above. The following sections will assess the face shape’s styling objectives and then propose suitable styling recommendations.
The following guide provides a detailed overview for men on how to style their heart face shape. You’ll be able to discover and explore the best hair, beard and moustache styles as well as glasses.
Scroll down to check out each individual section or jump directly to what interests you the most:
- Hairstyles For Heart Face Shapes
- Beards For Heart Face Shapes
- Moustaches For Heart Face Shapes
- Heart Face Shape Glasses
You will be shown stylised graphics for each of the styles that we recommend, which are links that lead to full guides on how to achieve this look for your face shape.
As a Heart face shape, you may fit the following description:
Your forehead width is larger than your cheekbones and jawline. Your chin is likely pointed with a cheek line the side of the face that taper together into your jawline.
If this seems right, scroll on down! However, if you’re still not convinced, you will find that we detail 7 unique face shapes. You can discover your face shape with our dedicated guide.
Bear in mind that although we feature 7 face shapes, there may be individual differences between people. You may share traits from one or two other face shapes to your own.
Nevertheless, try to associate yourself with the most appropriate face shape as this will improve your styling approach.
Heart Face Shape Specifications
The above diagram breaks down a Heart face shape’s unique traits. Take note of the sloping sides starting at the forehead and meet at the chin. The eyes find themselves at the focal point of the face’s composition. The cheekbones and chin decrease in a gradient from the wide forehead, which create an impression of relatively smooth features. The mouth and chin can appear comparatively small to the upper half of the face.
The idea of having a dainty and sweet face might not sound appealing to some men but don’t take what you have for granted. Styled right, the heart-shape can make for a very attractive facial structure, which exudes charm and sophistication through its boyish good looks.
Best Heart Face Shape Hairstyles
With wide and rounded forehead set against a small chin, the objective is to redistribute these proportions. Mid-length and windswept styles help frame the forehead, which give it a narrower quality. Styling is best achieved with blow-drying or naturally rather than relying on product to make sure that texture remains soft rather than angular.
Light, volume-controlled sides can either be created with letting the hair grow out on the sides or a front fringe that falls across the forehead. A side part with a fringe can soften the wide forehead and can add a light offset aspect. It’s best to avoid tight cuts on the sides as they risk only increasing the width of the forehead and leaving the jawline bare.
- Increase length on top, which falls naturally with gravity
- Let hair grow out on back and sides
- Avoid shaved sides and aggressive fades
- Add too much height without filling sides
Recommended Hairstyles
Best Heart Face Shape Beard Styles
With a relatively weak chin and jawline, men with heart shape faces can greatly benefit from strategic beard growth. Voluminous beards create bulk whilst balancing the lower part of the face with the forehead. With your sloping jawline, a hard cheek line can create angular features and texture over the jawline. Otherwise, a decent coating of Stubble can work wonders in adding a layer of texture to the jawline.
Recommended Beard Styles
Best Heart Face Shape Moustache Styles
A heart shaped face has smaller features. Therefore, it needs to aim for smaller, trimmed moustaches. It should avoid big moustaches that will over-emphasise its small chin, causing it to sink into the mouth and make the face rounder. Narrow moustaches, however, will offset the chin and restore the jawline’s balance against the cheek width. Van Dykes can also offer extra structure to the chin with growth below the mouth.
Recommended Moustache Styles
Best Glasses For Heart Face Shapes
Defined by a broad forehead, wide cheekbones and a sloping jawline, heart face shapes have certain features to remember when styling glasses. Due to the imbalance between the small chin and forehead, it’s best to avoid wide glasses. This may make the discrepancy between the two features even larger.
Furthermore, angular frames can help bring out and harden their features. The result is a more angular and balanced facial structure. Usually, we would discourage heart face shapes to opt for either trapezoid or round frames. These may respectively emphasise or soften their features even further.
However, there are exceptions to many rules. For instance, well-fitted wayfarers can wrap the broad forehead and make it appear narrower. In turn, the flat base and trapezoid wide will harden the chin and complement the jawline’s natural slope.
Another exception would be pince-nez glasses. As these are quite small, they don’t throw off the face’s own harmony but complement its soft features instead.
Recommended Glasses For A Heart Face Shape
What Next?
Having now read up on heart face shapes, discover all the possibilities by exploring our guides! Every hairstyle, beard, moustache and glasses guide includes a special section dedicated to face shapes where we analyse their compatibility for each one. Just head to one of the following categories and pick a style to find the face shapes section at the end:
If you ever need to remind yourself of the fundamentals, you can always head right back here!
Amazing ! This is the best on the internet by far.
Dear Jovanni,
Thanks very much for the kind words!
– Paul
I completely agree, no other guide comes close. Heart shape is pretty rare so you’re lucky if it’s even included in the article. I need new glasses and will be getting a haircut this weekend so I’m gonna study up. Thanks!
Hi Logan,
Thanks very much! We endeavoured to provide each face shape with equal coverage in our guides.
Wow, I’ve never had my hair sides longer than a few milimeters, i used to shave them every 2 weeks since i remember. I thought it was the only right thing to do! Thank you a lot for this article, try it out!
Hi Cassady,
Glad to hear that this guide was helpful. Happy to be of service!
This page says the Caesar hairstyle is recommended, but on that page is says heart shaped faces are incompatible
Hi Ellis,
Good spot. You’re right, it shouldn’t be recommended on this page!
It’s now been corrected, thanks for the heads up.
really helpful!
Glad to hear it!
Thanks for putting an end to my ignorance. I thought a buzz cut wouldn’t be okay for my heart shaped face
Hey Salam,
Very glad you found this helpful. At the end of the day, it’s about the haircut you’re most comfortable with, though our suggestions here make for great guidelines.
I have a flat head and is diamond shaped. Do you think it is wise to grow out hair and get the swept back look and if not do you have any suggestions?
Yeah, sounds fine!
Hi, Your website and your advice are really appreciated.
But I am still struggling to find my haircut. I thought to have an oblong face, instead I realized, is long/heart one, because I have big forehead and dow is really thin.
I did a buzz cut but I don’t like it, I think because of my big forehead.
Moreover, I have curly hairs, so it is not easy at all to have a long haircut. What would you advice for this complicate situation? ahah
Hi Leonard,
I appreciate that styling is more complicated with curly hair. How curly is it? Could you try a swept-back look to add positive emphasis on the curls with also providing the necessary volume to offset the heart and oblong features? Basically, you want a little length on the sides to prevent your face appearing too tall but not too much on top for the same reason.
Would a medium-length style with a curly fringe possible work for you? This can help weaken the forehead’s presence with some hair.
All the best,
Hi Charles, thanks a bunch for this post, it helped a lot.
However, despite getting the idea, I still have one small problem. As someone with a heart-shaped face, I get that I need a hairstyle that isn’t too low on the sides. The thing is I have extremely curly hair (otherwise known as an afro)
And so the one haisrtule I’ve always rocked was a hightop fade, the thing is I always got the zero guard on the sides while up top, I’d say my hair is usually about an Inch and a half long. So in a way that made my face look longer which I’ve just understood after reading your post.
Would you be able to kindly help me with hairstyles that are more suitable for me considering I have an Afro and a heart shaped face?
1. High top fade
2. Drop fade
3. Taper fade
4. Temple fade
I know I could get a buzz cut. But I wanna have volume I want my hair to be between 1.5 & 2 inches. No more than that.
Thank you
Hi Emmanuel,
I completely understand and I’ll try to help as much as possible.
Overall, I would avoid a high-top fade as this produces a lot of length on top, which is best avoided for a heart face shape. A low drop fade would work as would a taper fade if it was quite modest. Meanwhile, a temple fade is possible and might actually be great at reducing width on the forehead without hurting the cheekbones and jawline. However, make sure that it fades at the temples and comes quite low near the nape!
Thanks Charles, that was quite helpful.
With pleasure!
Hi, I was wondering if it’s possible to make a heart face shape more masculine like square face looking with the help of specific type of beard and hair cut?
What would your advice be? Thanks
Absolutely! First of all, our advice tries to help you square off your face shape as that’s the main objective. A boxed or full beard with strong contours tends to do the job well. I suggest you head to our beard guides, which will all give advice for every face shape, including your heart one.
All the best,
Hi, which beard style fo you recommend the most for heart face? Do you think that both garibaldi and verdi and also natural long beard styles equally complement this shape?
Also, what short hair would you recommend for this style, as my hairline is a little bit lessened, so I cant grow a very long hair.
Hi Jacub,
Garibaldi beards tend to be quite soft and rounded while heart shapes benefit more from angular cuts. You could opt for a Verdi as long as the contours are well structured. Otherwise, I’d be more inclined to grow out a natural full beard and taper the edges.
What sort of receding hairline do you have? Let me know by referring to Norwood-Hamilton scale in this guide. I’ll be happy to give you a couple of ideas once I have a better idea of how your hair grows.
Many thanks,
Sure, my hairline is class 2-3, with the second pattern. It doesn’t really look very bad yet, however I don’t think going for a middle length hairstyle will look good on me anymore because of it. That is why I was thinking about going for something shorter.
Regarding the beard, do you mean fading a beard by tapering it? could you please show me a photo, so that I could show it to my barber, after growing it out.
I have a really good coverage, my beard is not the thickest in the world but its dark and it looks decent, however, when I let it grow for a very long time it becomes curly.
Thanks, you are doing a really wonderful job for confused folks like me.
Hi Jacub,
That doesn’t sound too bad. I’m at a similar stage. However, I realise that it’s difficult to style. I just opt for a short to medium side-part and I avoid trying to hide it. If you try to hard, it just makes it worse!
As for the beard, yes, I do mean tapering it. You can refer to our pointed beard guide for some inspiration. Curly beards aren’t an issue as long as you groom it frequently with a good quality balm or oil. Just use a brush and do it once in the morning and once in the evening. It should keep it in check.
All the best,
Do you have any tips for Black men
Hi Mbuso,
We tried to keep our tips as universal as possible so the general concepts do apply to black men. However, I also appreciate that black hair types are very different and some of our advice may seem difficult to follow. Generally speaking, a heart face shape requires some even length on both the back and sides so you don’t want too much height or too little on the sides.
You’ll also want to avoid very short, shaved sides and fades.
In terms of specific hairstyles, what would interest you most?
I wanted a fade but I’ll follow your advice and find something more inline with your tips
Thank s