With a plethora of different brands, learning about cigars can quickly become overwhelming.
Furthermore, there are several countries that manufacture cigars including:
- Cuba
- Nicaragua
- Honduras
- The Dominican Republic
Some of these countries host brands with the same name. For instance, both Montecristo and Upmann are legendary brands whose owners were exiled from Cuba. Today, these brands exist both in Cuba under the state’s control as well as in their new adopted home country.
As mentioned above, it’s easy to stumble upon very different brands with the same name. Whilst they aren’t clones nor frauds, it’s important to remember that they’re distinctively different.
One is the fruit of the original owners leaving Cuba to start in another country while the other is a continuation of the original brand under the state’s supervision.
Furthermore, collectors can find it even more complex when they encounter pre-embargo cigars. These are aged cigars carefully stored in optimum conditions that predate Cuba’s revolution.
Some few and fortunate people may get to try such cigars that represent the brand’s manufacturing well before the split.
To browse a sizeable online selection of cigars brands and shop some of the best cigar deals on the web, visit CigarPage.com
We love cigars at Bespoke Unit but we’re also fascinated by brand history and the stories they have to tell. In this section of our cigar series, you’ll be able to explore some of the world’s most famous brands.
What Are The Best Cigar Brands?
Visit one of the links below to learn about a premium brand you want to discover:
- Camacho
- Cohiba [coming soon]
- Davidoff [coming soon]
- Oliva [coming soon]
Learning about a brand helps you understand their identity and what makes them unique. After all, the best cigars are handmade and each one is intrinsically different. The same can be very much said between the brands themselves.
Make that “Intrinsically” different ,NOT intricately.
Thanks for being our proofreader. We just fired the old one so there’s a vacancy if you want to join us!
Can I purchase 24 Trinidad 54 ring. If so how do I order and how muck
Hi Lonnie,
Sorry but we don’t sell cigars. I suggest that you check out iHavanas, Montefortuna or Bellhop Cigars.